
Showing posts from February, 2022

In Sinu Jesu (Book Review)

  In Sinu Jesus: When Heart Speaks to Heart , ISBN 978-1-62138-221-8 (E-book) Oklahoma: Angelico Press, 2016, pp. 317. The first time I heard about In Sinu Jesu was about two years ago! A priest had come to preach a recollection to my community and had chosen to share some ideas from the book as part of his reflection. Unfortunately, I was unwell at the time and completely missed it. I heard my companions gushing over how interesting the talk was and how beautiful the ideas were. Then and there, a slight fire was lit in my heart and I became curious to find out more about this interesting book. But with a scatter brain like mine, the fire was allowed to die down and I made no attempt to find the book. In December of last year, when I went home for holidays, I happened to go out for breakfast with my cousin and a young couple who are devout believers and spiritually aware people. Among other things, they brought up this book and the spirituality contained therein. Such was the impres