Money Heist: Season 1

Money Heist (Spanish original: La Casa de Papel) [2017]
Created: Alex Pina
Starring: Ursula Corbero, Alvaro Morte, Itziar Ituno, Pedro Alonso, Paco Tous, Alba Flores, Miguel Herran, Jaime Lorente, Esther Acebo, Darko Peric and Enrique Arce.
Dur: The first season is broken into 2 parts. The first part has 9 episodes while the second part has 8 episodes. Each episode is about 45-55 mins.

For me, Netflix has been a name until recently. I have watched some of Netflix's shows but not on Netflix directly. The present lockdown offered me an opportunity to get in touch with Netflix firsthand. Thanks to my sister's subscription and the availability of a streaming device I finally exposed myself to the addictive world of Netflix. Thus far, my experience has been very rewarding and satisfying. The only problem I face is that Netflix does not allow you to watch at higher speeds. While this appears to have a good reason, a person like me who lives on a time-constrained schedule and a habit of watching videos and films on speeds faster than normal finds it hard to comfortably sit back and watch anything. However, Netflix's shows, particularly its serials are brilliantly designed and hardly allow you to get too comfortable with their twists and suspense.

Money Heist has been the talk of the town lately. I heard so many people in my immediate surroundings talk about how their minds were blown by the serial that I couldn't wait to feast my eyes on the drama. I was not disappointed. This serial is simply fantastic. Kudos to the Spanish team who carefully thought out and executed this brilliant and multiple Emmy-award winning series. The plot is fairly simple: a gang of thieves are coached and directed by a harmless-looking mastermind known as the Professor (Alvaro Morte) to infiltrate and escape with tons of money from Spain's Royal Mint. The series is all about the plan which is masterfully constructed down to the littlest details. The series switches scenes from the Professor's training classes to the actual events unfolding at the Mint. This back and forth is extremely interesting. The other interesting thing is that the story is told from the thieves point of view, thus making the story that much more visceral, tense and brutal.

The script is tight and very well-written. I felt that the series could have done without the foul language but again, we are dealing with thieves as the protagonists and therefore, ought to expect this kind of language and behaviour. I felt that the series towards the end began to blow holes in the plan just to extend the episodes and prolong the drama but even these extensions were wrapped up tightly into the overall narrative.

The series unfolds well and the drama is intense. Netflix still has to work on the translation though. The subtitles are better translated than the audio. But this defect does not have a grave effect on the series. Money Heist goes down as one of my favourite serials. Can't wait to start on Season 2 which is already available on Netflix.



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