The Salesian Call

‘We, the Salesians of Don Bosco,’ article 2 of our constitutions begins, ‘form a community of the baptized.’ The nature of our congregation therefore, is communitarian. We are not called to independent living and isolated working but to inter-dependent living and collaborative working. Community life is a core aspect of the Salesian identity. “How good it is for brothers to dwell as one” (Ps 133:1). Don Bosco wanted Salesian houses to become families where all feel welcome and responsible for the common good. He saw in community living an opportunity for witness. We are familiar with the hymn which goes, “they’ll know we are Christians by our love.” Along similar lines, Don Bosco wanted the Salesians to be known for their family spirit, pickled with optimism, joy, temperance, work and creativity in mission.

The Salesian call is at its source, a call to follow Christ, the Good Shepherd. The Salesian spirit finds its model in the very heart of Christ, apostle of the Father (article 11). Christ is the reason for our becoming and remaining Salesian religious.

Another distinguishing characteristic of the Salesian call is to “be signs and bearers of the love of God for young people, especially those who are poor” (article 2). The Salesian vocation is marked by this special predilection for the young. This love is an expression of pastoral charity and gives meaning to our whole life. Don Bosco  is exemplary in this regard. He is famously quoted as saying, “That you are young is enough for me to love you very much” and again, “For you I study, for you I work, for you I am live, for you I am ready even to give my life.” Don Rua, his first successor, said of him, “He took no step, he said no word, he took up no task that was not directed to the saving of the young”. Such was Don Bosco’s passion for the young. He realized his aim with firmness, constancy and the sensitivity of a generous heart, in the midst of difficulties and fatigue.

The Salesian calling involves an invitation by God to follow him closely and a commissioning to be apostles of the young. The call is meant to be lived in love consequently leading to the sanctification of one’s soul. Mary is a dear companion of this journey. Don Bosco  repeatedly recommended trust in Mary’s intercession as a sure way to live out one’s vocation and to carry on one’s mission.


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