Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No good, Very Bad Day 2014 (Movie Review)

Dir: Miguel Arteta
Cast: Steve Carroll, Jennifer Garner
Dur: 1 hr 15 mins
Rating: 4/5
Comment: The movie focuses on relationships especially within the family. A good film to watch with the whole family.

This is a story of a pretty ordinary, young American family. The father is unemployed but is highly qualified (sound familiar?) while the mother is caught up with a lot of work. The children are of different ages: two teenagers, one on the threshold of teenage and a toddler, and have key roles in the drama. The film revolves around Alexander, who is on the threshold of teenage and all it brings with it. His life seems to be hopeless as compared to the rest of his family, who always speak about something new and awesome happening in their lives.

The major portion of the film centres on the events of a single day. This day is an important day for every member of the family. The day is Alexander’s birthday but everyone else seems to have better things to do. The film portrays family life as most of us know or experience it. We are constantly running from pillar to post, chasing deadlines, relationships, goals etc, that we take our lives and those around us for granted. Alexander feels like a stranger in his own home. Don’t many kids feel the same too? He wishes that others could understand what it feels like to have nothing going for you and his wish comes true.

The film calls us to introspect and find out whether we are giving enough attention to our children, siblings, parents and other family members who are close to us. The characters are true to life and are easy to relate with. I couldn’t help but identify with characters and situations. The film shows how people respond to discouragements, debacles and failures in a positive and realistic way. In the final analysis, things may not be as bad as you make them out to be. The good sometimes emerges even from ‘bad’ situations and the joy such good brings is even sweeter.

The film reminds us not to take things for granted. It teaches us to value relationships and upholds family life and values. The story is well depicted. The central issue is realistic and relevant. It is an excellent film especially for older children and teens. The actors have done a commendable job. Kudos to the whole crew! 


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