Max (2015) (Movie Review)

Dir: Boaz Yakin
Starring: Josh Wiggins, Thomas Church, Lauren Graham, Luke Kleintank
Dur: 1 hr 45 mins
Genre: Drama, Family Adventure
Rating: 9/10

This is a really cute film with a nice story. It’s been quite a while since I’ve last watched an animal-centred film and I wasn’t disappointed with the performance. Animal-based films usually have a better appeal because of their simple storyline and creative performances. Max is no exception. It stands as probably one of the best animal-based films I have ever seen. It is wonderfully made and has a mysterious appeal to it.

It is a tribute to war dogs and their handlers and hence the protagonist, Max is a war dog whose handler was killed in a firefight. Max suffers from post-traumatic stress (this is the first time I heard of an animal suffering from this disorder but apparently it is possible and true). He turns ferocious and is about to be put down but begins to show some kind of loyalty to his handlers brother. Hence he is brought into the family home and the film shows us how he gradually improves and finally turns out to be a life-saver. Of course there is drama and a bad guy to be put down; How else will such a film sell?

The performances are great. The dog is adorable and makes the film worthwhile. The story isn’t fantastic but it is good enough as it serves the purpose. I wouldn’t mind watching this film again. It is a wonderful entertainer for the whole family.


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