Series of Reflections on Salesian Spirituality (5)

Family Spirit                                                                                              

Don Bosco wanted everyone to feel at home in his establishments. The Salesian house must become a family. The young must feel welcome and free to spend their time there. Often, it happens that the Salesian house becomes merely a residence for the Salesians and the youngsters are kept at bay except when the house is in the midst of some activity. I have heard some Salesians say that the young like to be in a Salesian atmosphere but later I came to realize that they like it there because their friends are there and because they have a ready place to recreate and hang out and not because they feel at home with the Salesians. Fostering family spirit must be the task of each Salesian. It starts within the community: Accepting one another, sharing of our time, talents, resources and life, forgiving, supporting and encouraging one another, even reprimanding one another whenever necessary. Healthy community life is a witness to the gospel and the people we come in contact with will quickly perceive our bonds with one another. What better way to educate the young to a sense of family than being a strong family ourselves?


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