The Tuxedo 2002 (Movie Review)

Dir: Kevin Donovan
Starring: Jackie Chan, Jennifer Love Hewitt
Dur: 1 hr 35 mins
Genre: Action-Comedy
PG: Occasional swearing.

What would you expect out of a Jackie Chan starrer? Comedy and Kung fu, right!? That’s what you get in The Tuxedo. Chan plays Jimmy Tong, a happy-go-lucky taxi driver with skills at the wheel that cannot be called either expert or amateur. He is a simpleton with an athletic body and the loyalty of a dog. By chance he comes in contact with Mr Clark Devlin (Jason Isaacs), a master sleuth and secret agent who is taken up by his driving skills and employs him as a chauffer. 

Thus, Tong begins his employment and fares quite well until his boss is shot and left for dead. Before losing consciousness, Devlin gives him a clue regarding the criminal. Tong awakes the sleuth within himself and tries to play Bond. He discovers Devlin’s special tuxedo and puts it on, thereby acquiring superhuman skills. With a boost in confidence he impersonates Devlin and is contacted by Del Blaine (Jennifer Hewitt), a scientist researching water and a colleague of Devlin. The story is based on water which, thanks to some chemical doctoring, is able to have an adverse effect on life. Tong and Del Blaine must team up to bring down the evil mastermind. In the intermediate scenes we are shown how the two bond with each other and develop a friendship. Humour peppers the entire drama. The final showdown is something between a superhero flick and a blooper. The story doesn’t have much appeal but the acting adroitly hides that fact.

The actors are commendable and do well to bring out the humour of the script. The bloopers shown during the credits are not to be missed. The film is appealing to all ages and is worth the while. 


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